Working from home efficiently, Lesson 2: Organizing your working time
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- To do your work in the least possible time and in the best way.
- To save time and spend less time behind your computer
When there is no longer an obligation to be present and you have lost your travel time, it is easy to tell yourself that you have enough time and that you can work at any time of the day or night. The flexibility is indeed greater. So is the temptation to get distracted.
Nevertheless, it remains important to plan your time, primarily for yourself, but also for your family and for your colleagues.
How can I do that?
If possible give yourself a fixed schedule and inform the parties involved (family, colleagues, manager, etc). To stay productive, structure your days including your breaks so that you occasionally move and leave your workplace.
Plan your responsibilities (what is expected of you by your organization and your customers). Make a list of all the activities you have to do for each of your responsibilities in this new situation in the coming weeks. See the book “Just Do It!” Your Guide to Making the Right Choices and Prioritizing, page 181.
Make this list your weekly plan. How much time are you going to spend on what action and when do you plan that in the week? Place these blocks in your calendar, leaving empty spaces for things you haven’t thought of. See book “Just Do It!” Your effective week through these ten steps, page 222).
Every evening, before you close your workday, you take stock of your day and see what you have achieved. Learn from it so that it gets even better the next day. Make a plan for the next day. Choose the 3 most important actions you want to take the next day to take your main responsibilities a step further (see the book “Just Do It!” The DAY’S PIAS for Performing, page 272). In your tasks, write down everything you think you should do the next day.
Tip: Draw up your plan and stick to it. Master your time by deciding what to do and when. You will find many tips and tricks in chapter 11, page 253 of “Just do it!”.
Bruno Savoyat, author of “Just do it!”
PEP® Worldwide Manager France & Switerland

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