Do you have what it takes to be a PEP® trainer?
“How long have you been doing this work?” asked Peter who was one of my PEP® training participants.
“Mmm…let’s see, about 30 years” I replied.
“Don’t you get bored doing the same thing year in and year out?”
The answer was of course “No”. But it got me thinking. Why don’t I get bored? I mean I like challenges in my life. I built the PEP® business up from nothing at times overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, I do blue water sailing, I ride a motorcycle, I scuba dive, I like lots of challenge, randomity and excitement in my life.
So how come I am so passionate about being a simple PEP® trainer?
My thoughts take me back to July last year. I was at a client and it was my last day at work before a well deserved vacation. And then I realized that I did not want to stop working.
But I had no choice. And so I decided to make the best of the hours I had left. I would make the most of this last day for myself. I would extract maximum enjoyment from this day and then, as if ordained, into the room walks a particularly difficult participant, an attorney, young, highly educated, opinionated and stubborn… heaven sent.
“Great! let’s get to work!” I tell myself. “I’m going to need every bit of brain power and skill for this challenge.”
So that was it! I realized. Every person is different and your purpose as PEP® trainer is to get people to change, helping them to organize their work and their life, which in turn lowers their stress level and increases their job satisfaction.
Per our survey results 80% of the participants say “peace of mind” is the most important take away from having done the PEP® Program.
Back at the client as the end of the day neared I took a moment to reflect. This was an extremely satisfying day. Every single participant had done well and made significant progress. They felt good, I felt good.
But being a successful PEP® trainer is not for everyone.
It is only for independent entrepreneurs who have a high affinity level for people and who thrive on challenges. If you feel that you’re up to the challenge of becoming a PEP® trainer contact us at or call +31-172-407592 .

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