The latest PEP® book.
Gewoon Doen!
Just Do It Now!
This new fifth edition continues the trend in using the practical experience of international PEP® consultants and modern workplace technologies to maximize your personal efficiency.
PEP® has proven itself as an adaptable method of gaining productivity, as it focuses on the human element and is unencumbered by the constantly changing work environments and newly felt workloads.
The new edition is now available to order in Dutch and French, with an English version coming out shortly.
35 years ago, Kerry Gleeson developed the PEP® program, with the goal of training the next generation of professionals to maximize efficiency in the workplace. After a worldwide success, Gleeson wrote The Personal Efficiency Program which was published in English, Dutch and Swedish.

At the end of the 90s, the internet and the mobile phone (then separate from each other) came on the market. A special edition of the PEP® book from “High-Tech” was released, adding the expertise of PEP® consultants around the world. The PEP® book was translated into Japanese as the first non-European language.
In the new millennium, technological change was the new norm, and “high-tech” became the common way of working. Once again, the book featured the findings of PEP® consultants from around the world, with years of experience producing efficiency gains. This would become a defining feature of the PEP® program. The second edition of the PEP® book was translated into Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and French and sold more than 300,000 copies worldwide.

By the time the third edition of the PEP® book was completed, more than a million copies had been sold worldwide. PEP® is seen as an internationally proven method. This time it was published in German and Polish as well.
The fourth edition of the PEP® book added an e-book option, reflecting the change to a paperless office, mobile workspaces and ‘the new way of working’. The growth of direct communication within and between organizations has meant an increasing demand for solutions to regain control of the barrage of signals and noise around us that demand attention.

Now, after 35 years, PEP® is more necessary than ever in a fully integrated world where the boundaries between work and private life are becoming increasingly blurred and attention is an increasingly scarce commodity.
This new fifth edition continues the trend in using the practical experience of international PEP® consultants and modern workplace technologies to maximize your personal efficiency.
PEP® has proven itself as an adaptable method of gaining productivity, as it focuses on the human element and is unencumbered by the constantly changing work environments and newly felt workloads. The new edition is now available to order in Dutch and French.
PEP* (the Personal Efficiency Programme) is a registered trademark, intellectual property owned and licensed by IBT Europe B.V.