PEP® : the Personal Efficiency Program
PEP® is a training regimen designed to increase productivity by coaching people to be efficient and effective in what they do. Time is the most precious thing we have and we cannot make more of it, but we can use it wisely.
That means making sure our work habits and work systems are not chosen haphazardly, but carefully selected and personalized to maximize the results of our efforts.
PEP® saves on average 5 hours a week per person.
Imagine, what could you do with that extra time?
What could a whole group of people accomplish with that time?
Companies across the globe who use PEP®
People working in those companies who now use PEP®
PEP® has proven track record of success
PEP® has been helping people to be more efficient since 1984, and has been applied in every industry and sector around the world. It remains a powerful program despite the numerous technological and work environment changes over the last 38 years because it does not depend on any single app or software.
PEP® works everywhere because people work everywhere, and we focus on the people. People are an organization’s greatest asset, and any organization should want to get top performance out of their greatest asset. Any professional should want to get top performance out of themselves.

Lighten your Mental Load

Siok Lian-Sih
PEP® worldwide Nederland

Veronica Magnusson
PEP® worldwide UK & Middel East
PEP® changes the way you work
PEP® is coaching which changes your work habits and makes you manage time in an effectively easy way: your way. That’s right, we help you develop your own style. Not our style, but yours, as long as it’s efficient. Your actions determine your success: own those actions.
PEP® is a training that maximizes the effective use of your work systems. For example Outlook, Gmail, MS Teams, IBM Notes, Apple Mail, etc. It’s our job to be experts in them all and train you to to get the best out of them in a way that suits your personal working style.
PEP® also teaches you to work towards your goals, instead of being diverted by the storm of distractions calling for your attention. The key focus is on teaching prioritization and planning. These two skills determine where your attention falls: direct that attention.
A host of other tools should be in your toolbag whether to manage effective meetings at executive level, organize teams at the ground level, reduce stress and burnout for yourself. Regardless of the constraint hampering your efficiency; we are there for you.

PEP has changed the way I work.
I will never forget my first PEP Training, which was a real eye-opener for me. With a gentle and firm touch, my trainer managed to provide our group with practical solutions to improve our working style.
This has definitely resulted in productivity gains and has enable me to achieve much more.
The programme is designed in such a way that it has transformed my bad work habits into more efficient and long-lasting work habits.
As we are all striving for sustainable efficiency, I definitely recommend this training to every professional or team!
The results PEP training was beyond my expectations.. I was expecting that we will have only theoretical notions about good practices on efficiency, but we did coaching and that improved a lot my organizational habits. My workload has increased, I have 3 more projects, but my perceived workload has diminished.
The short-term expectation was to become more organised and efficient through PEP, and this was definitely realized. In the longer term, the expectation is to be able to better handle a work-life balance, and that will take time to realize.
Expectations were to plan ahead and organize activities / documents better using tools available in Outlook / Teams so as to save on time. These objectives were realized. Learning the following helped improve efficiency at work: Tasks in Outlook, Batching, Organizing Emails, Reserving time.
I thought I already had a pretty decent set up (Evernote+Outlook+Trello). I was following the guidelines of the GTD framework, some aspects of Zero Inbox and some of Timeboxing. I came open minded, curious to see if there were things I could do better. I got more than I thought, in particular:
– I was coached to centralize everything with Microsoft 365 (it took a bit of effort and getting used to it, but it is paying off).
– I got confirmation about the importance of not being carried away by checking Outlook too often. I was not sure if my approach was correct, the trainer taught me that I could be even more stringent in that respect. It’s paying off.
Following his advice, I’m at the point of blocking my Outlook calendar for a big chunk of the morning (when I know I’m more productive) and work on important projects. I leave the rest of the day for TCs.
Talk to us in person?
Book a free PEP® talk to discuss how your organization can experience the
Personal Efficiency Program.
PEP® is a registered trademark, owned and licensed by IBT Europe BV.